SelfTest Engine allows you to take IT Certification tests and prepare yourself to taking certification examinations. The tests contain not only the most used questions, but the answers to those questions. Each wrong answer will be thoroughly analyzed. The program will provide you the right answers, so you will learn from your mistakes, and get trained to excel in the tests.
You will begin by creating an STE profile, which the program will use to keep track of your progress. You will then be able to use the program under two different modes. The "Learning Mode" will let you configure your exams according to your study needs. You will be able to create exams by selecting the subjects and how the answers are accessed.
The "Certification Mode" will present you the actual Certification Test. The tests will show you some necessary background information prior to asking you questions. You will have to give all the answers within a given time frame. Once you complete the exam, you will be able to compare your answers with the correct answers. You will also be able to print your exam, or email the results to someone.